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TH65 Automata Fiber Tube Laser Cutting Machine DISCONTINUING PRODUCT

6500mm pipe cutting laser machine with automatic feeding system

The TH65 is an automatic production line for cutting metal tubes and fittings. It is a 4-axis laser cutter for vertical cutting (our 5-axis TP65 machine can also cut at an angle with tilted head). The machine consists of two main units: the laser cutter integrated with the rotary unit and the automatic feed/unload system. As with all HSG machines, the TH65 is built with top quality components, allowing high speed cutting of small holes. The heart of the machine, the fiber laser source, comes from IPG and is available from 1kW to 4kW. The TH65 is being phased out, succeeded by the improved TS65.

TH65: Product
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th65 fiber csővágó lézer automata adagoló rendszere

The feeding system is CNC-controlled and the entire laser cutting process is automated, from loading the sections to collecting the cut pieces. The smart and professional feeding system saves labour and time. The machine is available in 3 configurations: semi-automatic, automatic and manual (without dispensing system). For more information, please contact our staff!

th65 automata fiber lézervágó alkatrészek, fogasléc, szervomotor, lézerforrás

There is no negative resonance effect when cutting high-speed and small objects. Robust and precise quality is guaranteed by the integrated main parts and components. Geared direct drive with German Wittenstein, Japanese Sanyo Denki / Panasonic servo motors. Laser head under 2kW WSX, over 2kW German Precitec. The "heart" of the laser machine is the solid state laser source of German IPG, a market leading brand. The machine is controlled by multi-touch display panel and remote control.

th65 fiber lézervágó CAD tervező szoftverének számítógépes nézete

The laser cutter was programmed by HSG using a program built into a CAD design software with a user-friendly interface and industrial usability. Clever functions (cut-off, micro perforation, kerf offset...etc.) help to ensure economical and productive production. The multi-touch display provides the operator with simple and quick operation.

TH65: Testimonial

Technical data

  • Típus:  TH65

  • Adagoló: Automata adagoló és gyűjtő rendszer

  • Max. sebesség:  100m/min

  • Max. gyorsulás:  1.0G

  • Visszatérési pontosság:  0.05mm/1000mm

  • Pozícionálási pontosság:  0.03mm/1000mm

  • Lézerforrás:  IPG fiber szilárdtest lézer

  • Lézer teljesítmények:  1kW - 4kW

  • Lézerfej: WSX (Precitec Lightcutter alkatrészek), manuális fókusz

  • Lézerfej 2kW és felette: Precitec Procutter autofókusz

  • Tokmány kapacitás / cső: 20mm - 210mm átmérőig

  • Tokmány kapacitás / zártszelvény: 20x20mm - 150x150mm profil méretig

  • Gép méret:  12000x3800x2800mm

TH65: Portfolio
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